Wednesday, June 10, 2009

light speed

In a lesson for fast and slow movement I use the concept of traffic lights.
I cut out small circles of red, yellow and green paper back them on black paper and attach them each to large popsicle sticks.  (I have yet to purchase the sticks...we're more an otter pop family)
Have the toads dance around the room according to which "light" you are holding up.
Move fast for green, slow for yellow and freeze for red.
I have found if I have them imagine they're getting into a car, putting on their seatbelt and watching out for the other cars on the road their movement comes more to life.
If you have older toads let them have a turn holding up the lights and deciding when to change them.

We actually did this lesson during one of our attempts for Family Home Evenings.  We were trying to teach Brighton to obey the rules...the next month I got the traffic ticket.